Thursday, June 02, 2005

Sweet Potato (Raisin Starter)





I know they don’t look nice, but they taste not bad!

In the first one, sweet potato puree has 37%, white sugar, ginger candy, and water. In the second one, it has 17% sweet potato, brown sugar, 10% whole egg, cranberry, and the rest is water. From the ingredient, you can tell which one is tastier~ well; the first one can taste the sweet potato flavor, more softly. But the second one has the egg’s flavor; the sweet potato here is just for the texture, no taste at all!

I like the second one better, in my own opinion,
-- The bread with egg has the tender texture, smells good. The bread with only water is soft only.
-- White sugar is only for the sweetness. But the brown sugar gives the bread one nicer aroma; I think I will keep on using brown sugar only.
-- For the first bread, the sponge with Raisin starter raises 9 hrs (over night). But for the second one, the sponge with Raisin starter raises 9 hrs, and then in the Fridge over night. The following are the same - the 1.5 hrs for the first rise for the bread dough (with the oven warmed, around 30 C), 2-2.5 hrs for the second rise (room temperature, around 23 C).
Not only from the picture, I also can taste the second bread has more air in it! What a surprise discovery! How about extend the first rise of the bread dough in low temperature?
Hahaha… more experiment needed~ ^_______^


Anonymous said...

Hi Leafyu,

I return from a two-week vacation and notice that you've been really busy baking a lot of pastries and breads. They all look so good. If you haven't checked out this website before, you might enjoy it, as she likes to bake a lot of pastries as well.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lance~~
Thank you for your website~ I think I will go there to check it out often^_^
My breads are all for my families, fortunately they don't get sick about that yet ^_^
thank your for your visiting~
