Sunday, February 27, 2005

Green Onion Bread Again

This bread is totally out of my expectation. All the failure are from the shaping. I use the same ingredients the method of the Wheat Germ with Green Onion. I was thinking to make it flatter. But I don't know why the outside doesn't smooth and shining. And the colour of the top is not even. Some place is over burnt, And the other has no colour! I need to do it again!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Tofu with Chicken & Stir Fry Squid with Spicy Coconut Sauce

This is our yesterday dinner.

The first one is tofu with chicken. I like tofu because it is so soft and full of Soya bean flavour. Tofu is always on our dinner table. There are so many ways to cook it like braise, deep fry, or stir fry. They are all delicious. We used Chinese oyster sauce to braise the tofu yesterday.

The squid is spicy, but not enough. You can tell I have used a lot of spicy coconut sauce already. I think I will put in some chili sauce or small fresh hot chili in the dish next time.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Supper White Steam Meat Bun

Eleo and I like this kind of Chinese style steam meat bun very much. We like to have then for lunch with a bowl of hot soup.
The bun is very white. The secret ingredient is Soya flour. If you do not add the Soya flour, your bun will have a little yellow colour. I used to skip this, but this time I want to make a perfect bun as we have in the restaurant, so I give it a try. And it works!

(Six medium Bun)
AP flour: 200g
Soya flour: 1.5tsp
Warm water: 130g
sugar: 1Tb
Cooking oil: 1/2Tb
Pinch of salt
Baking powder: 3g

Shredded Chinese cabbage: 200g
Ground pork: 1/3 pound (Can be substituted by ground beef or chicken)
Ginger, green onion, sesame oil, salt & pepper

To make the dough, put all the ingredients together, knead into a smooth dough. Put into a lightly greased bowl to let it rise in a warm place for 45 minutes. In the mean time, put some salt into the shredded cabbage, leave it for 10 minutes. Discard the excess water. Then add all the ingredients of the filling together, set aside. When the dough is ready, take it out, cut into 6 pieces. Fill in the cabbage ground port filling, put on the Chinese bamboo steamer with parchment paper. Relax for 15 minutes in a warm place. Before steam the bun, make sure the water is boiling. Steam for 10-12 minutes in medium to high heat. After the bun is done. Don't open the lip at once. Leave the whole pot on the stove for 15 minutes, otherwise, the bun will shrink!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Chocolate Chip Morning Roll

I make this roll just because I like the round shape, they looks so cute to me~ I did not try the round shape bread before until I make the green onion bun yesterday. Eleo did not like the round shape, he said it is not easy to eat. So every time he eats my bread, he always punch it down to flat. He said it is easy to eat this way. Actually, I feel he is insulting my bread, my hard work. I put down so much care to make this bread, he did not taste them with care.... But, I can not blame on him because the first day I met him, he had already told me: I do not like bread.... Well, at lease he eats my bread now~

I make this roll in the same method as the Wheat Germ with Green Onion. I did not prepare the green onion filling. Instead, I rolled in some chocolate chip into the dough before the second rise. Before baking, cut the top, brush with some egg wash. Bake for 15 minutes in 350F.

The Ingredients from Spring

Spring is coming, there are so many sweet and fresh vegetable in the market now. Like the asparagus, they are so cheat, but they are sweet and crunch. How about the "snake gourd" - a Asian vegetable. I should feel lucky I can have this kind of sweet Asian vegetable in North America. I still remember I am dying with my mom's dish - snake gourd with clam in chicken broth. Clear, but delicious. I am not a good cook as my mom, but I still want to try this nice spring vegetable.

I found these fish in the market. They look nice and fresh to me. I think it will be very nice to put them in the soup, even though their size are small. I made a fish miso soup with winter melon. They soup did not disappointed me, they are sweet and tasty. The only thing is the fish are too small. They are all separated into parts in the soup. There are so many fish bones. I was almost get spiked.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Wheat Germ with Green Onion

Today is the last day of the Chinese New Year, they call it Yuan Xiao. In this day, Chinese people always has Tang Yuan - a sweet round ball desert which is made of sticky rice flour with different kind of filling in side. I wish I could have my mon's hand made Tang Yuan... A good menory when I was young...
Since no Tang Yuan, then let me make some bread for my husband and myself for the last day of our Chinese New Year! (I know I make them everyday... And I know Eleo is getting tired of that.. ^^!)
Today's special - Wheatgerm with Green Onion. I must say this is a very successful bread! Soft, sweet, delicious~ I like the aroma of the wheat germ, come with the top of the toasted green onion, Yum-my! ^^
This bread is a little bit different with the Black Sesame Bread. I made the sponge in the same day. So the dough's rising time changed.

280g of the flour
120g warm water
1tsp yeast

120g of flour
2Tb of wheat germ
2Tb of minute oat
3tsp of black sesame powder
1Tb of dry milk power
2Tb of brown sugar
Pinch of salt
3-4Tb of warm water
1 egg
35g of butter:

Green Onion Filling:
Green onion: 3 Tb
Cooking Oil: 1 Tb
Salt & Pepper

Put all the ingredients of the sponge together, make a round ball. Let it rise for 3-4 hours. When the sponge is ready, put everything of the dough's ingredients and the sponge together (not include the butter). After the dough is formed, add the butter by twice. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic. Put in the lightly grease bowl to rise (about 30 minutes, it does not need too long, otherwise the dough will over rising, the bread will taste sour). When the dough is ready, punch it down, cut into six pieces, cover to relax for 15 minus. Roll them up, make into a ball, use a scissors to cut a cross on the top, Then put the bread dough onto the baking tray with parchment paper, cover to rise in a warm place until double volume again(about 45 minutes). When the dough is ready, brush with egg wash, put the green onion mixture on the cross just cut with scissor. Preheat oven 350F, bake 15 minus. Then cool on the wire rack.

Note: When I review this recipe, I find out I made some mistake. I have modified it already.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Sweet Potato & Coconut Filling Again

My Husband and I can not forget the sweet coconut filling flavor from last time bread I made. So I decide to make it again. The bread outside is the same as Black Sesame Bread. For the filling, I mix the mash stweet potato(steamed) with a little bit butter, brown sugar and our favor - coconut powder.
I forgot to brush the bread with egg wash before I put them into the over, so the bread does not looks shinning and tasty, but believe me, they are really Yummy!!

One of my blog friend left a message in my Chinese blog told me that my bread looks very firm, not soft.. I found out she is right. I have not made bread for a while since I was cazy about the Chinese steam stuff at that time. I just keep making Chinese steam plain bun, steam meat filling bun, sweet potato bun, steam pumkin bun and so on.. And when I was back to the bread, I found out I almost forgot how to make bread. But I will keep practising these days~

Monday, February 21, 2005

Curry Bread with Curry Chicken Filling

I saw a lot of Chinese bloger made a lot of curry dishes these day. It make me missing the curry flavour. I was thinking to make a pot of curry chicken. But it always take us a few days to finish the whole pot.. So I decide to make some curry bread with some minced curry chicken.
I remember one of my cookbook has this recipe. But when I start to knead the dough, I found out the recipe says the dough needs some curry power. It is kind of wired. This is the first time for me..^^!

Flour: 230g (I changed to: 250g)
soybean discard: 20g (I ignored)
Yeast: 5g
Curry powder: 7g (I changed to: 12-15g)
Dry milk powder: 1Tb
Sugar: 9g
Warm water:160cc
Butter: 10g

Sweet onion: 150g (Diced)
Minced Chicken: 200g
Cooking Oil: 2Tb
Wheat powder: 2Tb (I ignored)
Curry powder:1.5Tb
Salt & Pepper
Milk: 100cc

Put all the ingredients(except butter) of the dough together, make a round ball. Knead in the butter and knead the dough into a smooth and elastic dough. Put into a greased bowl to let it rise for 1.5 hour in a warm place. Take out and cut into small pieces. Cover and relax for 15 minus. Stir fry the Filling to get ready. Roll out the dough into elliptical shape. Fill in the curry chicken then cover to rise again for 45 min in a warm place.
The original recipe using deep fry for the bread, before deep fry, the bread was coated with milk then bread crumb. It must be very delicious if I deep fry it. But I was lazy to clean up the mess for deep frying. So I decided to just bake it. 350F, 15 minutes.

I think the bread is very flavorful. For me, I think the curry is not stronge enough. So if people like stronger favor, the filling can be made more spicy~

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Sweet Potato Filling

There are three different filling for this bread. Mashed sweet potato with ginger, Mashed sweet potato with chocolate chip and again, Mashed sweet potato with coconut powder. I make the bread with the same method as the Black Sesame Bread.
It is not very clear from the picture to say there are three different fillings. But the taste is strong, especially the coconut. The smell and the taste, are the number one!
My knife ruin my bread! >.<

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Tofu with Fish Cake

I make the tofu with fish cake yesterday. It does not look delicious.. And I even did not arrange the tofu and the fish cake well in the dish before take the picture.. It's because we were too hungry, every dish were set, and then all in our stomach in a minute。。。。 ^oo^


It is Spring, the Jasmine is blooming in my home. It is just a small flower, but I can smell its smell like a nice perfume everywhere at home.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Old Man Bread

I call this bread is "old man" bread because its outside skin has so much wrinkle. It suppose to be smooth and shining. But it is not. I think the problem is over rising. I use the same method as my Black Sesame Bread. But the second rise is about 1.5 hour. Next time I will make it 45-60 minutes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Dinner Dish

Today's dinner is steam fresh fish, chicken with shitakr mashroom, watercrest pork soup(no picture) and steam bun.
It seems Eleo has lot interest on my cooking. He used to take pictures for my each dish. But not these days any more. If I don't yell that dinner is ready, he won't walk out his room...。。。。。

Monday, February 14, 2005



Sunday, February 13, 2005


最近不知道为什么,象疯子一样每天都做包子或馒头,爱上了蒸的面点那短时间就可以吃上香喷喷,热腾腾的点心的好处。以前因为做包子馒头都会失败,就都做面包,但面包要发孝好久,现在终于可以做出像样一点的,才发现真的好处多多。。而且我发现家里人还是比较爱中华点心,包子馒头比面包销量快好多~ ^0^

Saturday, February 12, 2005


情人节到了耶~ 我知道我一定不会收到漂亮的玫瑰的啦,所以先预早送给自己一大束啦~~


Friday, February 11, 2005

南瓜蒸糕 (翻版萝卜糕)

Note:我用的是日本小南瓜,可能是南瓜放太久了,淀粉很多,很甜,没什么水分,所以粘米粉放得比较少。。大概是南瓜:500g,粉:300g, 水:800g. 我觉得下次下粉前可以先用一半的水把粉和开再放进炒锅,这样比较容易搅拌均匀.


Guangdong Dishes

Eleo is sick. He caught a cold and cough very heavy. He said he want to have my mom's Guangdong dishes. Well, my mom is in China, what I can do is try to make a copy from my memory~ I make two easy and simple dishes, which are braised chicken with shitake mushroom and water blanch baby bokchoy.

- Chicken marinated with soy sauce, sugar, corn starch and white pepper for at lease half hour.
- In a small pot put some oil, put in the shitake mushroom with some oyster sauce and cooking wine, cook for 10-15 minutes.
- Heat up a cooking pan with cooking oil and some garlic. Pan fry the chicken until both side are golden brown. Add some cooking wine, then put in the mushroom with all the sauce. Cover and braise for 20 minutes. Some chopped green onion are added before serve.

The steam bun downstairs are make with sweet potato. I knead in some mash sweet potato in the dough. That is why the dough looks so yellow. For the filling. I put some butter and brown sugar in the mash potato then fill in the dough, steam for 15 minutes.





先跟大家拜年~ 新年快乐,恭喜发财,身体健康,万事如意!

前几天跟小妹和Will在外面大吃大喝,真的是宠坏自己了。。。今天就乖乖的在家里做点心。今天做的高丽菜包子对我来讲还蛮成功的,因为它们出来的样子没有皱皱的。。这样子我已经很满足了~ ^_^ 我是学着莎莎姐和Vivitan的食谱做的,只是馅我是用高丽菜和牛碎肉。我还加了切碎的虾米和泡软干贝,很好吃哦~ 皮QQ的很不错,只是包包子的手艺有待加强。。 ;)

文章分類: Bread


老公认识了快十年的朋友,Will从台湾来看望我们了,但他带了个惊喜一起来 ---- 他跟老公的小妹子在一起了!! 还快要结婚了!!
我们这两个蒙在鼓里的老头,真是可怜啊~ 小妹还真不够意气,现在才跟我们讲。。。

快十年前,老公跟小妹在加拿大读书,认识了一群好朋友,其中包括Will,之后是我跟老公认识。大家读书,毕业,然后是各散东西.七年后,我跟老公决定走进婚姻的大门。但十年后的今天,后知后觉的Will跟小妹终于走在一起了,这真的是缘分阿~ 听说后知后觉的只有小妹,我听老公讲Will很早以前就不小心“漏”了一封情书给小妹,是小妹不“鸟”人家而已。。呵呵~~ 总之大家又走在一起真好,好像又回到十年前一样。。^^

照片是小妹带来的小侄子和小侄女在台湾的照片,可爱吧~~ ^_^ 二姐又怀第二胎了,四姐也首次怀孕,真的要恭喜她们,希望她们一切顺利~


虽然都是家常菜,但材料却很丰盛呢。第一道是橘色红色的甜椒和鲜百合炒虾仁。第二道很厉害哦~ 是老公煮的,分三层,底下是小心排好的蒜粒汤匙菜,然后是卤过的香菇上洒上炒过的干贝虾米肉噪,最上面是煎香鲜带子,最后淋上一点卤汁。




哈哈~ ^O^ 大家不要笑,这篇重点不在于我煮的鲈鱼,重点是我老公周末闲着没事做在那边用photoshop把我的照片用得一蹋糊涂。。我觉得很假很丑,他就说很漂亮,硬要我post上来,没办法,我只能勉为其难的上传上来了,大家就看一看,笑一笑就好了。。


懒惰的煮法又来了,鸡翅膀淹一淹放烤炉就可以了~ 这次放了咖喱粉,还有很多干的意大利香料,蛮香的呢~ 换成沙茶酱也很赞哦~


谢谢莎莎姐做馒头的武功密级,我真的是认真把要点抄在小本子上哦~ 我的馒头终于可以见得了人了,虽然它们还是有点皱皱的,但我已经很满足了。



- 因为酵母不多,但又要做两条大辫子,所以我的发酵时间加长了:第一次2小时,第二次4小时,第三次1小时。第一次“绑”辫子面包,第一条绑得有点丑。:P
- 面包发酵得很均匀,不知道是不是酵母不多,没什么酵母的酸味耶~
- 吃起来面包很有嚼劲。很香的豆浆味,完全没有核桃的味道(哈哈~ 骗过去了.)




另外一道King Fish,我不知道中文怎么讲,直接翻译是“国王鱼”?抹盐煎了之后做了个汁淋在上面,真的是乱做的 ^0^,有:九层塔,青柠檬,鱼露,酱油,糖,胡椒,黑醋,蒜头,姜。(真怕拉肚子)。。但做出来后还蛮不错的。鱼变得很鲜。可能是有九层塔和柠檬的关系吧。








-不知道是不是我用的是加拿大Yukon Gold马铃薯,特别坚实,没什么水分,我用打蛋器打了很久都不是很烂(之前已经用叉子压过了),而且很干,就多加了点水,烤出来的蛋糕就觉得太湿了,所以我觉得B料中的水可以减到60g+1.5大匙就够了。










热锅加四大汤匙的黑麻油,加很多姜片炒香。下鸡块(我用四根鸡小腿),两面煎一煎,下一小粒冰糖,一小匙盐,盖锅闷熟。上碟前洒点酱油就可以了~ 补充: 谢谢莎莎姐的提醒,闷鸡的时候有加两大匙的米酒。



steam sea crab
