Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Wheat Germ with Green Onion

Today is the last day of the Chinese New Year, they call it Yuan Xiao. In this day, Chinese people always has Tang Yuan - a sweet round ball desert which is made of sticky rice flour with different kind of filling in side. I wish I could have my mon's hand made Tang Yuan... A good menory when I was young...
Since no Tang Yuan, then let me make some bread for my husband and myself for the last day of our Chinese New Year! (I know I make them everyday... And I know Eleo is getting tired of that.. ^^!)
Today's special - Wheatgerm with Green Onion. I must say this is a very successful bread! Soft, sweet, delicious~ I like the aroma of the wheat germ, come with the top of the toasted green onion, Yum-my! ^^
This bread is a little bit different with the Black Sesame Bread. I made the sponge in the same day. So the dough's rising time changed.

280g of the flour
120g warm water
1tsp yeast

120g of flour
2Tb of wheat germ
2Tb of minute oat
3tsp of black sesame powder
1Tb of dry milk power
2Tb of brown sugar
Pinch of salt
3-4Tb of warm water
1 egg
35g of butter:

Green Onion Filling:
Green onion: 3 Tb
Cooking Oil: 1 Tb
Salt & Pepper

Put all the ingredients of the sponge together, make a round ball. Let it rise for 3-4 hours. When the sponge is ready, put everything of the dough's ingredients and the sponge together (not include the butter). After the dough is formed, add the butter by twice. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic. Put in the lightly grease bowl to rise (about 30 minutes, it does not need too long, otherwise the dough will over rising, the bread will taste sour). When the dough is ready, punch it down, cut into six pieces, cover to relax for 15 minus. Roll them up, make into a ball, use a scissors to cut a cross on the top, Then put the bread dough onto the baking tray with parchment paper, cover to rise in a warm place until double volume again(about 45 minutes). When the dough is ready, brush with egg wash, put the green onion mixture on the cross just cut with scissor. Preheat oven 350F, bake 15 minus. Then cool on the wire rack.

Note: When I review this recipe, I find out I made some mistake. I have modified it already.


Anonymous said...

Hi leafyu,
I followed the link from Julia's blog. I love your green onion bread! I've tried making similar breads last year but have not managed to perfect the basic dough yet. I know where to go now to check if my bread is up to scratch! I have also tried making pao but I was lazy and left out the soya flour. I'll be sure to add it in next time. Thanks for sharing and I'll be sure to check out the rest of your blog, including the Chinese site. Shirley (

leafyu said...

Hello, Shirley
Thank you to visit my blog. I like baking, And I have still learning too. It is so nice we could discuss and learn together~ :)
Nice to meet you~

Anonymous said...

Hi again leafyu,
Just a quick question: is your basic dough for all your breads the same? I mix my green onions with soft butter and it gives a better aroma, but also the calories! Thanks, Shirley

leafyu said...

Hello, Shirley
I use to make the bread with my basic dough, but sometimes I like to try other people's recipe like the one I made today (Mexican bread). Sometimes you will feel boring if you always make the same way, right? ^-^
Butter always tastes better~ ^^ I used to make the onion mixture with butter, but as you said, more calories... :p

Anonymous said...

Yes, variety is good or we'll be bored to death...but I haven't perfected my basic dough so I still need to practise and work at it. Haven't reached your divine stage yet so got to learn from you since you're more successful than me neh...can I call you Shi fu? Or Shi Jie? :) Shirley

leafyu said...

I suggest you to use the “straight forward” method for the basic dough first. It’s easier to handle. After you are good at this method, then try the others.
I make the red bean paste bread today. And the Mexican bread too, they are both straight forward. I think it is faster and easier~

Anonymous said...

Ok leafyu, thank you for your advice. Shirley

leafyu said...

You are welcome